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About Us

North Point Caspians

We are a family of 5 living in rural northern Alberta. Along with our three boys, we raise purebred registered Iranian Caspian horses. 

When our first child came along we hoped he would have a heart for riding like the both of us. Knowing how much the horses we had growing up helped build and shape our own lives, we knew we wanted good riding mounts for our kids. We started training a small pony for him and he caught onto riding just like we had hoped. Around that time a close relative found a couple of Caspian horses for sale and reluctantly convinced us to try one. We didn't see the need for another "pony". We quickly found the Caspian wasn't the pony we had expected but instead small horse, unique in and of itself. They really are the hidden gem of the children's horse world. 

As we continued to spend time with the Caspians - and another baby came along - we started our search for another one of these small horses. After months of searching we were able to find two older stallions.. 

Three families went in together to purchase two CHSA registered Caspian stallions and shipped them to Canada.

These two stallions were more than we ever could have hoped for or dreamed of. They were athletic, kind and stunning in their confirmation. From there we purchased our first breeding Mare - Kermanshah Azarak - and the Caspians continued to prove themselves. The first summer we owned the Caspians our kids rode the stallions and broodmares. Although athletic and agile, the Caspians are calm headed, intelligent and communicative. Today our boys each have their own Caspians to ride and are starting to learn how to train. The Caspian quality and disposition are next to none. These are the kind of horses that we want to build and shape the lives of our children.

Our herd is small in numbers but each one is valued. Our hope is to keep raising and sharing them as far and wide as we are able. We aren't top notch trainers and breeding has come with a multitude of learning curves, but we truly love our herd and the days we get to spend raising them. 

If you'd like to follow along with us in our (less filtered) lives - you can find us on Facebook or Instagram and stay updated on things happening around North Point! 

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